Mark Brooks

Creating MudOrHero, a Place to Share Trail Conditions

Creating MudOrHero, a Place to Share Trail Conditions

Just a few words on my project MudOrHero

I had a lot of fun building this project. I used Vite for the frontend, as well as AWS Amplify for the backend.

You can view the github repo here.

The app allows users to share trail conditions with their friends. You can change the trail condition to Snow, Dry, Mud and Hero! (Hero is a type of dirt that is really tacky and grippy and is considered the best trail condition for mountain biking)

What I Learned:

  • Vite is such a lightweight and nimble application. I'm really not sure why you would use create react app anymore. It is so full of dependency issues and really bloated in my opinion.
  • So much about Mapbox! I feel like I'm just breaking the surface on this api and I can't wait to do more projects in it.
  • Adding raster data to Mapbox really wasn't that hard and it makes a really cool 3d effect on your map. I'll link a future video/blog post on that here soon.
  • Amplify really takes the gruntwork out of auth in your application. All I really had to do was implement an Auth component and the library took care of the rest. It really allows you to move fast and get your idea out into the wild fast.

MudOrHero isn't going to break any records for users (only my friends are using it) but the point of the app is to solve a problem in my friend group and learn a few new technologies at the same time.

This really got my mind working on all the different data you can put into maps. I feel like the data is out there, but people can't consume it in a great way.

I'd love to change that!

Thats all for now, and go ahead and check out mudorhero!